I've decided to try my hand at guessing the story for the The Amazing Spider-Man, after having seen the trailer and pictures released by Sony Pictures.
I'll be using pictures as I go through the plot, but only pictures that have been released by the studio. There will be no pictures that were photographed on the set by fans. In this way, I'll only be working with "official" spoiler images.
Do note that alot of what I'll be writing is purely speculation and is my attempt at figuring out what the story for the movie might be.
Peter is Orphaned
When Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is just a kid, his parents leave him with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May to go away. When he asks them where they're going, his father says that there's "something your Mom and I have to do".

Peter's parents were never introduced in the previous Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire. In this movie I guess that Marc Webb (the director) is adding them in to make Peter a less well adjusted teenager, who is dealing with issues of abandonment. This is something that Maguire's Peter never had to do. He actually seemed rather happy living with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Or the parents could actually be a plot point in the movie. This I will get to in awhile.

Peter Grows Up
The story fast forwards to Peter in high school, where we're shown how ostracised and alone he is, and how he often gets bullied by others. I think this movie will do away with Harry Osborn as his good friend (there's been no mention of him in any of the movie's press releases) The director probably wants to make it such that Peter has really no friends in school.

The only person that will talk to him is...you guessed it, the lovely Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), who Peter is also secretly in love with.

Thankfully for Peter, although his school life isn't a bed of roses, he has his Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) and Aunt May (Sally Field). One day Peter finds an old bag at home, which his Uncle says belonged to Peter's father.
In the bag he finds a photo, but I can't make out who's in it because it's too small. I think it may be a picture of his father with Dr Curt Connors (who is the Lizard, the villain in this movie). In the compartment he's opening (see picture below), there's also a piece of paper with what appears to be a DNA helix on it (but I could be wrong). It's possible that Peter's father has something to do with Connors, and that his father was doing research on DNA restructuring.
Bitten by a Spider
Peter decides to track down Dr Connors to find out more about his parents and their research.

He finds out that Connors now works at Oscorp.

At Oscorp he sees Gwen. (Maybe she's working there as an intern?) From the trailer, it looks like it wasn't a planned meeting. Gwen even asks Peter "What are you doing here?", to which he replies sheepishly "Nothing".
From this one small scene, I must say that the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone is looking pretty good.

Peter wanders off by himself into one of the labs.
Dr Connors (Rhys Ifans) notices him going into the lab. (You can see the "Oscorp" logo on Connors' lab coat). Connors realises that Peter is the splitting image of his father (Richard Parker), who used to work together with him in the past. He decides to follow Peter.
(Bear with me on this, as I try to suggest a link between Connors and the Parkers. I know it sounds a little far fetched, but it's only speculation at this point)

Inside the lab, Peter finds experiments that are being carried out on spiders.

Peter doesn't notice the spider behind him.

And he gets bitten.
Connors comes in and Peter pretends nothing has happened. Connors introduces himself, and confirms that Peter is Richard's son. He then explains that the spiders here have had been genetically modified to see if their DNA can be successfully combined with human DNA, in the hope that someday they would be able to augment humans with the animal abilities.
Now Connors actually did see the spider biting Peter, but allows him to leave because he wants to observe what effect the spider bite has on him. (This is similar to the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, where Norman Osborn decides to monitor Peter for any changes)

Peter Transforms
Peter goes home and pulls a strand of web from his neck. I don't know if this means the spider burrowed into his neck, or did it just bite him and leave the web there somehow. If it burrowed into him, that would be rather gross.
Because of the spider bite, Peter gets really hungry as his body is changing. He catches a fly, and it begins to look tasty to him. Shaking off the urge to munch on the insect, he proceeds to the kitchen.
And comes back with a bunch of food to scarf down. His Uncle and Aunt are shocked by his sudden ravenous appetite.

Peter Tries Out His Powers
Later Peter takes the train to school, and realises that he can stick to walls and ceilings.

At school, Peter is no longer the wimp, and excels at basketball.
When Flash Thompson tries to hit Peter for making him look bad at the basketball game earlier, Peter shows that he now also packs a mean punch. This is reminiscent of the scene in the Spider-Man movie, where Maguire decks Flash Thompson in the school halls. Let's hope Garfield doesn't do a somersault like Maguire did, because that would be just too impossible for Peter, or any human for that matter, to do.
Peter decides that if he wants to continue using his powers in public, he'll need a disguise. This is the first time in a movie where we see a superhero actually sew his own costume! So far we've never seen any of the spandex wearing superheroes putting their costumes together like that.

While running and jumping around on rooftops, he stumbles onto a mugging in an alley, and decides to use his new found powers to stop the robbers.

Unbeknownst to Peter, Connors has been keeping close tabs on him. and catches Peter displaying his powers. He decides that he has to learn more about this, and sneaks into Peter's room to rummage through his stuff. Uncle Ben hears a noise in Peter's room, and goes to check it with his gun. He gets into the scuffle with Connors and ends up getting shot. Peter arrives just in time to have his Uncle die in his arms.
Peter Becomes Spider-Man
Peter decides to honour his Uncle's death by fighting crime, because "with great power comes great possibility". He invents web-shooters to help him swing from building to building. (goodbye Maguire organic web-shooters)
He also adds more "details" to his costume, resulting in the final product you see below. This costume had fans up in arms for modifying the original design of the Spider-Man costume, which worked so well in the first three films. I agree it takes some getting used to. But I'll bet it'll look just fine on screen.
Enter the Lizard
After witnessing Peter's transformation, Connors concludes that he can regrow his left arm if his DNA is combined with that of a lizard.

He records the experiment, as he injects himself with lizard DNA.
Unfortunately the experiment goes horribly wrong and he changes into a giant lizard. Well, add him to the list of scientists that became super villains because of their own experiments, such as Norman Osborn and Dr Otto Octavius. The Lizard goes on a rampage on a bridge during peak hour traffic. Peter sees this on the news and swings out to stop him.

The police are called in and Captain Stacy (Denis Leary), Gwen's father, gets caught up in the battle between Spider-Man and the Lizard.

After the fight the Lizard seemingly falls off the bridge to his doom. However Peter is badly injured due to his inexperience, but has nowhere to go. He can't go back home because he doesn't want his Aunt to find out that he's Spider-Man. Neither can he go to a hospital .
He ends up going to the one person that he loves and trusts, Gwen Stacy.

Gwen is shocked at the sight of Peter in her home, but tends to his wounds. She learns that he's Spider-Man, and they share their first kiss. (And Peter is not upside in this one)

Captain Stacy suspects that there is more to Peter than meets the eye (just like in the comics, where Captain Stacy actually figures out that Peter is Spider-Man, but he keeps it to himself)

Meanwhile, the Lizard did not die, but was washed away by the currents and swept to land. He's now back in human form.

I suspect there will be two confrontations between Spider-Man and the Lizard. But what I can't figure out is whether the "Bridge Fight" described above is the first confrontation or the last.
In the scene below, Gwen attends the funeral of her father, and looks up to see Spider-Man, who does not dare to attend but watches from afar. In light of what has happened, she realises that she and Peter can no longer be friends, and the movie ends on this melancholic note. (much like Maigure's first Spider-Man movie, which ends with the funeral of Norman Osborn, and him turning down a relationship with Mary Jane for her own safety)
I chose to speculate that Connors has a connection to the Parkers, but it's possible that he does not in the movie. And if he does, then I'm also not sure whether he would be the cause of Peter's parents having to leave him and go into hiding.
In the previous movies, they've always tried to make Uncle Ben's killer someone who is actually involved at some point in the story, and not just some random person that suddenly appears. In the first movie, the thief who Peter fails to stop ends up killing his Uncle. It's later revealed in the third movie, that the killer wasn't this man, but was Flint Marko (Sandman), who was the man's partner in crime.
However, I could be wrong if the movie ends up having the part where Peter works as a wrestler (like in the first movie) or as an television star (like in the comics) at first to earn money. If that's true, then it would end up like the original movie. But I have a feeling that Marc Webb is going to shake things up and change this portion of the origin story.
Well, we'll see how accurate this is once the movie comes out.
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